Eurotium Amstelodami 
Eurotium species are important fungi in moisture-damaged structures adding to the toxins and antigens in these environments.
Eurotium species are one of several genera that are indicative of water intrusion and resultant amplification of fungi (molds) and bacteria. Eurotium is the sexual state of several Aspergillus spp. For example, Aspergillus amstelodami or A. amstelodami is now classified as Eurotium amstelodami.
Eurotium amstelodami is a type of soil-borne fungus. Indoors, it has been isolated from floor, carpet and mattress dust, in hospital air, and on cloth and shoes.
Eurotium amstelodami is one of the 36 species of molds genetically identified in an index called ERMI that is an acronym for Environmental Relative Moldiness Index that uses qualitative and quantitative PCR (qPCR) analyses for fungi. PCR is basically the identification of mold species by DNA sequencing. More information on ERMI testing.
Typical Areas Found
The detection of Eurotium in the indoor environment indicates persistent high relative humidity, poor ventilation and condensation problems.
Mycotoxins Produced by Eurotium Amstelodami
Mycotoxins are also produced by E. amstelodami that include patulin, sterigmatocystin, ochratoxin A and aflatoxin B1.
Health Effects Associated with Eurotium Amstelodami
E. amstelodami poses inhalation health risks to persons with a weak immune system. It also poses health risks related to major barrier breaks such as corneal perforation, major surgery, peritoneal or venous catheter presence, and injection drug use.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis are produced by E. amstelodami.
E. amstelodami along with C. globosum and A. fumigatus were elevated from homes of asthmatic children and are elevated in moisture-damaged and referenced schools where children were symptomatic.
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