Why are we sick in our own home? mr natural® environmental group can figure out the areas of concern
Consulting Services
We provide the following Indoor Air Quality (“IAQ”) services:
- Profiling and logging of indoor air quality complaints
- Monitoring for IAQ parameters such as relative humidity(RH), temperature, O2, CO2 and carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and differential pressure
- Inspection of the HVAC systems
- Strata unit investigation with detailed reporting, analytics and professional opinion
- Sampling for indoor air contaminants
- Analysis and interpretation of IAQ data
- Identification of problem sources
Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality
The symptoms of poor indoor air are often referred to as sick building syndrome or SBS and include a variety of complaints that can be associated with inadequately controlled indoor air parameters:
- Insufficient or excessive humidity
- Too low or too high temperature
- Improper air exchange and air flow rates
- Excessive amount of carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide
- Contamination of indoor air
Typical Indoor Air Quality Problems
The problems of indoor air quality typically originate from:
- Unbalanced heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system
- Contaminated, new or off-gassing materials
- Pets, smoke or fire damage or cigarette smoke
- Poorly maintained air filters and blowers
- Contamination of air ducts and air handling units
- Penetration of airborne contaminants into the building
- Excessive moisture or leakage of water or sanitary piping
- Lack of ventilation