Almost 25 percent of the population has a genetic predisposition or susceptibility to wired to the deadly microbes associated with water damage structures. For this genetic group, the invading pathogens are not tagged and cleared by the body. Instead, they proliferate freely. The body is then left to deal with the attackers in any way it can—which leads to inflammation and is so often at the root of chronic health conditions.

 Many outdoor mould species result in mould allergies, however, indoor species are typically much more toxic and unhealthy…

Allergies to moulds can cause the immune system to overreact when you breathe in mould spores, fragments, and mycotoxins. Mould allergy can result in coughing, itchy eyes, and cause many other miserable symptoms. For some people, mould allergies are linked to asthma which causes restricted breathing and other airway symptoms.

 The best defence for mould allergies is to reduce your exposure to the types of mould that cause reactions. Whilst medications can help keep mould allergy reactions under control, it is not sustainable or beneficial to the body.

Mould Symptoms

Mould allergy causes the same or similar signs and symptoms that occur in other types of upper respiratory allergies, ailments and diseases. Signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis caused by mould allergy can include:

  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy eyes, nose and throat
  • Cough and postnasal drip
  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Watery eyes

Symptoms due to mould allergies vary from person to person and range from mild to severe. You may have year-round symptoms or symptoms that flare up only during certain times of the year. You may notice symptoms when the weather is damp or when you’re in indoor or outdoor spaces that have high concentrations of mould.

There are many other symptoms relating to exposure to moulds. These symptoms include and are not limited to:

  • Headaches, light sensitivity
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Difficulty concentration
  • Poor memory, difficult word finding
  • Morning stiffness, joint pain
  • Shortness of breath, sinus congestion or a chronic cough
  • Unusual skin sensations, tingling and numbness

Mould Allergies and Asthma

If you have allergies to mould and asthma, your asthma symptoms may be triggered by exposure to mould spores and the chemicals they produce and outgas. Some people experience severe asthmatic attacks due to exposure to certain moulds. Symptoms of asthma may include and are not limited to:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness

If the symptoms are persistent such as stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes, shortness of breath, wheezing or other bothersome symptoms, it is advised to consult one of our mycologists to assess and test your indoor environment. We receive many inquiries and most start out asking why their doctors are so baffled about why they are so sick and with so many symptoms. Other questions include why some people become chronically ill following exposure to certain species of toxic mould, while others recover quickly.

mr natural® environmental group provide a comprehensive range of services relating to mould including mould testing, mould analysis, consulting, bio-hazard management, remediation and safe, natural products and solution for destroying fungal growth, reduction of airborne spores, eliminating mycotoxins, and preventing it from culturing. We specialize in assisting clients with hypersensitivities, allergies or genetic susceptibility to toxic and pathogenic moulds.

Contact mr natural® environmental group to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment.