mr natural® environmental group uses an advanced, patented, healthy hydroxyl solution to remove odours permanently. There is nothing like it …
What is an Odour
An odour is a volatilized chemical compound, generally at a very low concentration, that humans or other animals perceive by the olfaction system or sense of smell. Odours are also called smells, which can refer to both pleasant and unpleasant. The terms fragrance, scent, and aroma are used primarily by the food and cosmetic industry to describe a pleasant odour, and are sometimes used to refer to perfumes. In contrast, malodourous, raunch, stench, reek, and stink are used specifically to describe unpleasant odours. It is for these types of odours that solutions such as hydroxyl are sought.
To remove odours, the industry has tried using activated charcoal filters, HEPA filters, Bio Filters, aerosols, chemical sprays and many other similar products. These elimination methods have proven ineffective for odours as odours are molecules and molecules are difficult to be effectively trapped.
Our hydroxyl technology has the ability to actually dismantle an odour molecule by cleaving or separating the molecular components from one another known as oxidation, thus neutralizing and rendering them odourless, even for mold and fungal myceliums. Th
Ozone generators, ionizers, various chemicals and other devices are being used for home air purification, fire (smoke damage) and mould restoration. However, they often create complicated and dangerous side effects and do not effectively eliminate the problems.
Waste Water treatment facilities and
rendering plants are some of the toughest industrial odour situations which have been predominately treated with bio and charcoal filters. The physical size and cost of equipment/installation and maintenance of these Odour remediation treatments are very significant. Bio Filters have significant maintenance to keep the chips tilled and moist and often have odour breakthroughs.
Unlike Ozone, hydroxyl technology can be operated in occupied spaces, without the need to remove furniture, plants, pets or people. It is able to be plugged in and started immediately, which greatly reduces cost and is much more effective and safer for technicians to work with. It can be taken to any problem area, unlike Ozone or Ionization, which can not be transported by any air movement. The process can be delivered anywhere, under any condition (humidity, dry, cold, heat), by an air mover capable of a 1,000 cfm (cubic feet per minute), in a closed or open environment, pushing its effects wherever it is needed to accomplish the task at hand.
To learn more contact mr natural® to see how we can assist you.