The indoor built environment plays a critical role in our overall well-being, due to the amount of time we spend indoors, about 90%, and the ability of buildings to positively or negatively influence our health. The advent of sustainable design or green building strategies reinvigorated questions regarding the specific factors in buildings that lead to optimized conditions for health and productivity. Most structures cannot defend against contaminants, essentially a building without an immune system. What does this mean exactly?

Indoor environments differ significantly from outdoor environments in 3 specific areas.

  • Lack of full spectrum UV light due to blinds or curtains drawn and screening, UV coatings on glass and a sheer lack of windows especially in basements
  • Complete lack of natural oxidants in the air such as hydroxyls – See hydroxyl generators
  • Insufficient air exchange mainly due to energy consumption

As humans, we have evolved outdoors exposed to ample typically fresh air rich in hydroxyls and natural sunlight. Nowadays, clothing covers a large portion of the body the majority of the time especially in the winter – referring to regions where winters are observed.

Living in an artificial environment has taken a toll on one’s health. Since completing school in 1995, things like asthma and COPD have tripled. Fungal amplification is common in more than 30% of homes. This is a fact. There are better ways to guarantee perfect air quality. Consulting with mr natural® can help you understand the differences and your options.