BC Vancouver Smoke from wildfire forest fire health warningMetro Vancouver issues air quality advisory due to smoke from wildfires

People with chronic medical conditions are being warned to avoid strenuous exercise or to stay inside. Health officials say exposure is a particular concern for infants, the elderly and those who have lung or heart disease or diabetes. The lack of air turbulence has kept the smoke aloft as many observe the gray skies. Although the skies appear as overcast, it is actually large volumes of smoke from the wildfires.

Solutions for fire smoke in your home

We have been receiving a high volume of calls from Metro Vancouver residence about air quality issues due to smoke from the local forest fires. Their main concerns are what they can do to combat the smoke infiltrating their homes. Hydroxyl generators are probably the best solution especially for individuals with respiratory issues, infants and elderly. Minimize the open windows and doors and avoid using extraction fans that create a negative pressure inside. We are also advising individuals to refrain from activities that increase inhalation whilst the air quality remains high. These activities may include sports, jogging and hiking.

Let’s hope for some precipitation soon.

If you need assistance with your air quality, respiratory issues due to the forest fire smoke,
please contact mr natural environmental group.
