Case Study #1: Costco
Thursday, December 18th, 2008 – An electrical short in a flower refrigerator sparked a blaze, igniting pallets of paper products in the middle of the Costco warehouse. 75 firefighters spent 2 hours extinguishing the blaze. “There was so much smoke our visibility was zero,” said Division Chief Pedro Bas. The 140,000 sqft facility sustained heavy smoke damage. All warehouse products would require replacement and the store closed for 30 days.
Projected Loss | $36,500,000 |
$1,000,000/day loss for store closure – estimated 30 days |
$30,000,000 |
Cost of product disposal, restocking, new shipments | $ 500,000 |
Damaged contents to be removed & replaced | $ 6,000,000 |
Expected loss | $36,500,000 |
Actual Results | |
The smell was eliminated from all products including; pillows, clothing, couches and sold as new. |
Two day operating loss & cleaning of fire area | $2,015,000 |
Cost of Set up & rental of the mr natural® machines | $ 200,000 |
Total Cost | $2,215,000 |
Expected Costco Insurance savings = $34,285,000
Case Study #2: Chapters Book Store
- Electrical fire/ medium odour and light particulate to 16,000 sq. ft. area
- Fire occurs at closing time
- $30,000/day business interruption cost
- 22 staff work with HGI UV units in the work environment
Equipment installed:
- 9 UV Decontamination units
- 10 air movers
- 5 Hepa Filtration Units
- Store opens on time at 9 am the next morning
- No business interruption claimed or paid
Case Study #3: Protein Fire – Residential Unit
- Originated in the kitchen of a 2 storey 4500 sq. ft. home
- Odour is present throughout
- 5 UV Units installed with 10 air movers
- 3 staff
- Immediate area is cleaned thoroughly, adjacent areas vacuumed and dusted
- No dry cleaning of upholstery or carpet cleaning needed, no painting
- No ALE claimed or paid, residents never left site
- Adjuster completely satisfied
Equipment installed:
Case Study #4: Smoke Damage
- Commercial building with 5 levels – all 5 levels affected
- Adjuster gives 1 level to 5 different restoration contractors
- HGI UV units used on level 4 (4th floor)
- 4th floor is the only floor where business remains open and no interruption claimed or paid
Case Study #5: Pig Barn Air Purification Test
- The test took place at the Hermitage breeding facility in Columbus NB in one bay of 400 pigs.
- Prior to the mr natural® machine being installed the pigs were pale in color, had distended veins in their head and runny noses. The animals were skittish, hyperactive in nature and aggressive. Their intake of food and water was below normal and the air in the barn was quite foggy due to the ammonia and H2S gases. Normally, there were fatalities in the barn on a regular basis.
- After 4-6 hours after installation the air started to clear.
After 24 hours:
- Air was much cleaner
- Pigs were noticeably more playful, relaxed, many were laying down. – Skin tone was pinkish, distended veins were noticeably reduced.
- Pigs were eating and drinking more regularly and were less skittish.
- There were no fatalities once the units were running.
- Click here to read more
Case Study #6: Attache’ Stables – Priddis, Alberta
A progressive Sport Horse Stable for Equestrian Show Jumping Horses owned by a Canadian Olympic Rider
- Ammonia Levels from Urine in stalls was effecting the health of the horse
- Barn odours were strong
- Potential bacteria and virus infections
Scenario: High value jumping horses are stalled for up to 22 hours a day. Although stall flooring was changed regularly, the horse still sleeps lying down and is exposed overnight to ammonia levels. It is known that ammonia levels and other VOC’s affect the lungs of the animals resulting in lowered endurance during exercise. Barn has approximately 25 stalls, grooming area, exercise walker, lounge and riding arena.
Solution: 1 mr natural HAC 6 unit and 2 Boss XL3’s with Air Movers installed covering the 3 lanes within the barn.
Result: All VOC levels lowered significantly, no noticeable barn odours, no flies in barn
Case Study #7: Commercial Office Premise
Meg Energy Corporation – Calgary, Alberta
A progressive and high growth oil and gas company – MEG is part of the next generation of oil sands development with an emphasis on Environmental Protection. Meg is an Alberta-based company that uses Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) technology to recover drillable oil from the oil sands.
Corporate Office: 8 floors in the new Centennial Tower in Calgary Alberta. Approximately 300 office employees.
- Quality of air in new premises
- Off gassing from new construction materials
- Employee general health (headaches, drowsiness) and sick days
Scenario: New premises are demised with man-made materials, flooring is carpet. Each floor has its own cafeteria/lunch room with cooking facilities which creates odours that migrate to other occupied areas. Company would like to significantly lower the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) within the space and eliminate lingering food odours.
Mandate: to reduce illness and sick days, provide a healthy environment that increases energy and production within the office space.
Solution: 12 mr natural In Duct Units (IDU) where installed into the existing HVAC system duct work on each floor to treat all occupied spaces. Initially 2 floors were done with the company quietly monitoring the effects.
Result: All VOC levels lowered significantly. Normal VOC levels in new office space would measure 4000 to 8000 parts per million (ppm). After 30 days of operation the VOC level was 50 ppm. Within 60 days VOC’s were down to zero. The company considers the installation a complete success and has recently done 4 more floors with plans to do 2 more in early 2012.
Case Study #8: Remote Industrial Camp
A Structures & Logistics Company that offers complete infrastructure solutions to customers worldwide, including workforce housing, innovative modular facilities, construction, site support services, logistics support, operations management, catering and noise reduction technologies. With manufacturing facilities in North America, South America, Australia, and the Middle East and operations on six continents, the company has the expertise to deliver a rapid full turnkey solution anywhere it is needed.
Scenario: 2 remote camps located around Fort MacMurray, Alberta, in Canada’s North were being severely affected by wild fires which were located near their locations. The camps were mostly endangered by the smoke trails of the surrounding fires which had created a very low air quality within the occupied housing camps. Other companies evacuated their sites. Atco was considering doing the same.
- Poor air quality filled the entire camp complexes
- Health of the workers
- Transportation routes were closing
Solution: On an emergency basis, 14 mr natural Boss XL3’s with Air Movers were shipped to 2 camps and installed in common areas such as the recreation area and the kitchen and dining facility.
Result: within an hour the air quality had improved drastically, within 4 hours there were no noticeable odours in the treated areas allowing the camp residents two safe clean breathable areas to gather into until the smoke trails past. They did not evacuate their camps.